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Percentage Difference Calculator, Formulae, & Examples

Percentage difference is the relative difference between the final and initial values, expressed as a percentage and can be calculated using the percentage difference calculator below.

What is the percent difference between


What Is The Percentage Difference Formula?

The percentage difference formula is

| Final Value Initial Value | [ ( Final Value + Initial Value ) 2 ] × 100

What Is The Percentage Difference Formula For Excel?

The percentage difference formula for excel is =((ABS(B1-A1))/((B1+A1)/2))*100 where
A1 is Initial Value, and
B1 is Final Value.

What Is The Percentage Difference Formula For Google Sheets?

The percentage difference formula for google sheets is =((ABS(B1-A1))/((B1+A1)/2))*100 where
A1 is Initial Value, and
B1 is Final Value.

How To Calculate Percentage Difference?

To calculate percentage difference, subtract the old value from the new value, divide the difference by the old value, and multiply the result by 100.

Percentage Difference Examples

Example 1: What is the percent difference between 150 and 120?

Using the formula,

| Final Value Initial Value | [ ( Final Value + Initial Value ) 2 ] × 100 ,

we have:

Initial Value = 150

Final Value = 120

We get

| 120 150 | [ ( 120 + 150 ) 2 ] × 100

Percentage difference = 22.22%

Example 2: What is the percent difference between 26 and 14?

Using the formula,

| Final Value Initial Value | [ ( Final Value + Initial Value ) 2 ] × 100 ,

we have:

Initial Value = 26

Final Value = 14

We get

| 14 26 | [ ( 14 + 26 ) 2 ] × 100

Percentage difference = 60%

Example 3: What is the percent difference between 180 and 65?

Using the formula,

| Final Value Initial Value | [ ( Final Value + Initial Value ) 2 ] × 100 ,

we have:

Initial Value = 180

Final Value = 65

We get

| 65 180 | [ ( 65 + 180 ) 2 ] × 100

Percentage difference = 93.8776%

Example 4: What is the percent difference between 40 and 30?

Using the formula,

| Final Value Initial Value | [ ( Final Value + Initial Value ) 2 ] × 100 ,

we have:

Initial Value = 40

Final Value = 30

We get

| 30 40 | [ ( 30 + 40 ) 2 ] × 100

Percentage difference = 28.5714%

What is Percentage Change?

Percentage change is the relative change from the initial to final values expressed as a percentage. You can calculate percentage change using a percentage change calculator.