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Percentage Increase Calculator, Formulae, & Examples

Percentage increase is the relative increase from an initial value to a new value, expressed as a percentage and can be calculated using the percentage increase calculator below.

What is the percent increase from




What Is The Percentage Increase Formula?

The percentage increase formula is

Percentage Increase = ( Final Value Initial Value  − 1 ) × 100 %

What Is The Percentage Increase Formula For Excel?

The percentage increase formula for excel is =((B1 / A1) - 1) * 100 where
A1 is Initial Value, and
B1 is Final Value.

What Is The Percentage Increase Formula For Google Sheets?

The percentage increase formula for google sheets is =((B1 / A1) - 1) * 100 where
A1 is Initial Value, and
B1 is Final Value.

How To Calculate Percentage Increase?

To calculate percentage increase, divide final value by initial value, subtract 1 from it, and multiply the result by 100.

Percentage Increase Examples

Example 1: What is the percent increase from 50 to 62?

Using the formula,

Percentage Increase = ( Final Value Initial Value  − 1 ) × 100 % ,

we have:

Initial Value = 50

Final Value = 62

We get

Percentage Increase = ( 62 50  − 1 ) × 100 %

Percentage increase = 24%

Example 2: What is the percent increase from 90 to 108?

Using the formula,

Percentage Increase = ( Final Value Initial Value  − 1 ) × 100 % ,

we have:

Initial Value = 90

Final Value = 108

We get

Percentage Increase = ( 108 90  − 1 ) × 100 %

Percentage increase = 20%

How To Increase A Number By A Percentage?

To increase a number by a percentage, divide the percentage by 100, add 1 to it and multiple the result by the original value. The formula to increase a number by a percentage is

Increase a Number by a Percentage = ( 1 + Percent value 100 ) × original value

Increase a Number by a Percentage Examples

Example 1: Increase the number 60 by 30%?

Using the formula,

Increase a Number by a Percentage = ( 1 + Percent value 100 ) × original value

we have:

Original Value = 60

Percent Value = 30

We get

Increase a Number by a Percentage = ( 1 + 30 100 ) × 60

Increased value = 78

Example 2: Increase the number 100 by 100%?

Using the formula,

Increase a Number by a Percentage = ( 1 + Percent value 100 ) × original value

we have:

Original Value = 100

Percent Value = 100

We get

Increase a Number by a Percentage = ( 1 + 100 100 ) × 100

Increased value = 200

What is Percentage Decrease?

Percentage decrease is the relative decrease from the final value to the initial value, expressed as a percentage. You can calculate percentage decrease using a percentage decrease calculator.